Happy Gardening...

We have created this blog to keep everybody up to date and informed about the Paradise 4th Produce a Plenty Project. We would love everyone to add pics to the blog so email them to me with a description or story to go along with it and I will update the blog so everyone else can enjoy the progress and fun experiences of the garden. My email is barrelracingbina@yahoo.com. Thanks Sabrina Whalen

Thursday, May 7, 2009


The garden is going. On Thursday the 7th a brave crew of ward gardeners planted the potatoes and the onions at Lyman Jensen's plot.
At noon on Saturday the 9th we will plant the first installment of corn at the same plot subsequent plantings of corn will be two weeks later.
There will be opportunities for planting and weeding every Saturday at noon from now on. On the 16th we will plant the first installment of corn at Chris Baileys. and subsequent plantings every two weeks.
On the 23rd we will plant pole beans and cucumbers and cover the squash and tomato area with black plastic to warm the soil. On the 30th we will plant tomatoes, squash and peppers at Jensen's and another installment of corn at Baileys.
As we get into the swing of things we can firm up weeding by hand within rows and between row tilling assignments. The success to any garden is keeping ahead of the weeds. We will need to fertilize corn, tomatoes and squash during the season and also be watchful of insects and diseases that may need to be dealt with. Harvest and processing will also be scheduled as the season progresses.
Make it part of your summer plans to be a part of this great project.
Brother Hebdon will be helping us with scheduling. Please let him know if you would like to help and be notified of the assignments
Thanks for all you do.

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