Happy Gardening...

We have created this blog to keep everybody up to date and informed about the Paradise 4th Produce a Plenty Project. We would love everyone to add pics to the blog so email them to me with a description or story to go along with it and I will update the blog so everyone else can enjoy the progress and fun experiences of the garden. My email is barrelracingbina@yahoo.com. Thanks Sabrina Whalen

Friday, April 3, 2009

Building a Tomato Cage

What you need:
5 ft. wide concrete reinforcing wire
Medium gauge utility wire
Bolt cutters
Cinder blocks
Green spray enamel
6 ft. wooden stakes
Mallet or hammer

Many commercial tomato cages are neither large enough nor sturdy enough to support indeterminate tomato plants. You can make your own easily enough by using 5 ft. wide concrete reinforcing wire. Unroll the wire and weight down with concrete blocks to hold in place. Use bolt cutters to cut 15 ft. of wire.

Sever the bottom row of horizontal wire along one end of the mesh. This leaves a row of tines to help anchor the cage in the soil.

Next, remove the concrete blocks and stand the wire upright. Be careful; the wire may spring up when the blocks are removed. Form a cylinder with the wire and lash the ends together using medium gauge utility wire.

The reinforcing wire will rust if not painted. Two coats of spray enamel will ensure that the cage remains rust free.

Once the enamel has dried, place the cage over your tomato plant. Wooden stakes pounded into the ground on either side of the cage will offer additional support.

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